There is a big battle between credit card and debit card. People still get confused between two cards. They make consistent mistakes in using these cards properly. Their turmoil about these cards never ends and sometimes it gives big trouble. They used a credit card as an ATM card and at the time of payment they get confused how they will pay the bills off. These are boons at the time of emergency, but the side effects are like a hindrance.
Following are Advantage of Credit Cards:
The major advantage of credit card is that it gives facility to purchase in advance. At a time you need not cash to pay. You can pay later.
Most of the credit cards allow you to pay the bills in installments.
If you are carrying 0% interest credit cards they will definitely give you larger buying capacity and stronger power.
Most of the credit cards are with reward programs. More you purchase bank will give you rewards time to time. Additional privileges are also there for consumers on exclusive credit cards.
Disadvantage of Credit cards:
If a credit card is not being used carefully and you are failing to pay bills your card will get stuck.
Before knowing the high imposed interest on you will mire in high credit card debt.
Advantage of Debit Card:
The Debit card is also used for purchase if you have funds in your account. Means you need not to carry cash from your account, you can just carry your debit card and purchase whatever you want.
You can transfer money from debit card to debit card without paying remitting money. If the bank is same.
It is the easiest way to, money transfer for businessman to their freelance workers.
Disadvantage of Debit Card:
If you don’t have money in your account debit card is used for nothing. It’s just a card it can not bring cash to you.
Both Credit and Debit Card should be used sensibly. For more information you can log into
Following are Advantage of Credit Cards:
The major advantage of credit card is that it gives facility to purchase in advance. At a time you need not cash to pay. You can pay later.
Most of the credit cards allow you to pay the bills in installments.
If you are carrying 0% interest credit cards they will definitely give you larger buying capacity and stronger power.
Most of the credit cards are with reward programs. More you purchase bank will give you rewards time to time. Additional privileges are also there for consumers on exclusive credit cards.
Disadvantage of Credit cards:
If a credit card is not being used carefully and you are failing to pay bills your card will get stuck.
Before knowing the high imposed interest on you will mire in high credit card debt.
Advantage of Debit Card:
The Debit card is also used for purchase if you have funds in your account. Means you need not to carry cash from your account, you can just carry your debit card and purchase whatever you want.
You can transfer money from debit card to debit card without paying remitting money. If the bank is same.
It is the easiest way to, money transfer for businessman to their freelance workers.
Disadvantage of Debit Card:
If you don’t have money in your account debit card is used for nothing. It’s just a card it can not bring cash to you.
Both Credit and Debit Card should be used sensibly. For more information you can log into
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